Amani Al- badowi Khalifa

Amani Al- badowi Khalifa is the wife of the fisherman ahmad khalifa,who owns an artisanal fishing vessel. To improve the standard of living, Amani decided to diversify her husband's activities by increasing the added value of the fish caught by setting up a kitchen in her home to serve and cook the fish for customers. Amani also manufactures fishing traps and sells them to fishermen. It also makes handcrafts from shells and designs them according to the desire of clients.

Indirizzosarafand sarafand southern lebanonTelefono96179136725EmailN/AAttivitàFishing


Esplora nella stessa zona

Seba Salloum

The owner is a fisher and has started working in the tourism sector since 1997. He is mainly involved in tourism on land...Esplora e Contatta
Tyre Coast Nature Reserve

The Tyre coast natural reserve (TCNR) is one of the natural reserves located in the south of LebanonEsplora e Contatta
Dayikh vessel

Mohammad dayikh has been working as a professional fisher in the Tyre fishing port since 2000. He registered his own fishing vessel under the name Dayikh in the Ministry of TransportEsplora e Contatta
Bassili hanash

Mr. Hanash is a fisherman from Byblos. Due to low returns from fishing, he moved towards diversifying his business by using his boat for touristic purposes.Esplora e Contatta

This platform has been produced thanks to the financial support of the European Union under the ENI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme with a total financing of total budget EUR 2.242.131,50.
The contents of this platform are the sole responsibility of Legacoop Agroalimentare and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union or the Programme management structures.