Piccola Pesca Monterosso al mare Soc. Coop

Beppe segue la tradizione famigliare. Guidato da questa sua passione, Beppe ha intrapreso una personalissima battaglia per difendere la pesca tradizionale e diffonderne i valori e i gesti alle nuove generazioni attraverso incontri scolastici o interviste. Offre possibilità di alloggio con prima colazione in casa del pescatore.

IndirizzoMonterosso 19016Telefono(39) 334 5396148 Emailibmartelli@gmail.comAttivitàFishing, TourismSitohttps://www.monterossopescaturismo.org/


Esplora nella stessa zona

Ittiturismo Sp4488

Guido Galletti is also the owner of a farm. In fact, he is a farmer, fisher, father and dreamer. Esplora e Contatta
Öchìn de mâ

Created and managed by the Pescatori Arenzanesi, a cooperative that has decided to focus on the quality and km 0...Esplora e Contatta
Ittiturismo PingOne

MB Pingone, is a 15 mt fishing vessel equipped for drift net and longline fishing.Esplora e Contatta
Ittiturismo Patrizia

Alfonso and Giuseppe, father and son, are fishers and go back three generations working the fishing trawler “Patrizia”.Esplora e Contatta

This platform has been produced thanks to the financial support of the European Union under the ENI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme with a total financing of total budget EUR 2.242.131,50.
The contents of this platform are the sole responsibility of Legacoop Agroalimentare and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union or the Programme management structures.